Nuestra historia

In 2020, Chengze, who was passionate about lightness roadbike, waschatting with a pro cyclist. He lamented that while the wheelsets on themarket met aerodynamic characteristics, they struggled to achieve hispursuit of extreme lightweight design. Moreover, why did lightweightwheelsets always have to sacrifice aesthetic appeal or compromise onperformance?This is how Brisk came to be, a name that from the very beginning embodies the ideas ofextremity, lightness, and style.

With a profound understanding of roadbikes, founder Chengze quickly commenced product design and production debugging, leadingto the development of the first-generation Ultralight wheelset in 2022. Initially, the product circulated solely within the professional cyclingcommunity, and many users were astonished, asking where Brisk had emerged from-a dark horse with such extreme lightweight characteristics and an artistic design. One professional cyclist remarked“Brisk meets all my demands for lightweight cycling,maintaining exceptional performance and rigidity while embodying anartistic form, created specifically for gentlemen." Through word ofmouth, quickly found its way to numerous countries around the world.gaining customers from various nations.

Brisk has successively introduced various styles of wheelsetscycling shoes, and frames, holding multiple technology patents. Thecompany continues to challenge itself and plans to launch a high-endcustom bicycle business in the future.Today, Brisk's story is still ongoing. We aspire to help cyclingenthusiasts around the world achieve their dream of pursuing theultimate lightweight cycling experience.